The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant

A patient reported outcome measure (PROM) that measures perceived listening effort in everyday life as it is experienced by adults with severe-profound hearing loss
Technology No. B0003

What is the LEQ™-CI ?

The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant (LEQ™-CI) is a hearing-related patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) that measures perceived listening effort in everyday life as it is experienced by adults with severe-profound hearing loss. It has been designed for use in the cochlear implant clinic. It may be administered pre-operatively as part of cochlear implant candidacy assessment or post-operatively at any time point after switch-on. It may also be used as a research tool.

The LEQ™-CI is a single scale made up of 21 questions covering four domains of perceived listening effort: attending, adapting and compensating, processing, and motivation. The items are scored on either a 3-point or 4-point ordinal scale. The minimum score is 21 and the maximum score is 75. A higher score on the LEQ™-CIindicates greater listening effort.

The LEQ™-CI conceptual framework was developed from a review of the published literature and extensive qualitative research involving cochlear implant candidates, recipients and their significant others as well as clinicians, hearing researchers, and patient-reported outcomes specialists (Hughes et al. 2017, Hughes et al. 2018, Pichora-Fuller et al. 2016).

To request information on translations, or if you have questions about the instruments, please e-mail:

The Listening Effort Questionnaire – Cochlear Implant™The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant

  • swap_vertical_circlelibrary_booksReferences (2)
    1. Hughes SE, Watkins A, Rapport F, Boisvert I, McMahon CM, Hutchings HA (2021 Nov-Dec), Rasch Analysis of the Listening Effort Questionnaire-Cochlear Implant., Ear Hear, 01;42(6), 1699-1711
    2. Hughes SE, Hutchings HA, Rapport FL, McMahon CM, Boisvert I. (2018 Sep/Oct), Social Connectedness and Perceived Listening Effort in Adult Cochlear Implant Users: A Grounded Theory to Establish Content Validity for a New Patient-Reported Outcome Measure, Ear Hear, 39(5), 922-934
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant.pdf
    Additional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.
Review copy
For a review copy of the LEQ™-CI

Term: perpetual

Free of charge

The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant V3.1 - Non-commercial user
This license is for non-commercial research applications of the tool

Term: 3 years

Free of charge

The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant V3.1 - Non-commercial user - Translations
For academic led research studies. Additional fees to translate the LEQ™-CI may apply and are detailed in the preview terms. Please contact our distributor MAPI Research Trust [] to understand whether additional translation fees apply to you.

Term: 3 years

Free of charge

The Listening Effort Questionnaire™ – Cochlear Implant V3.1 - Commercial user
This license is for commercial applications of the tool

Term: 3 years

Price per unit:
From £3,000.00 excl. VAT

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